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The most important German authorities and their tasks

    The most important German authorities and their tasks

    The German authorities system can be complex and overwhelming, especially for people who are new in the country. This guide provides a comprehensive Overview of the most important authorities and their tasks in order to facilitate dealing with bureaucratic requirements.

    The Federal office for Migration and refugees (BAMF)

    The Federal office for Migration and refugees (BAMF) is a Central authority that takes care of asylum procedures and Integration. It provides information and support to the following areas:

    • Asylum applications: processing and decision-making of asylum applications.
    • Integration programmes for linguistic and social Integration.
    • Return to help: support for the voluntary return to the home country.

    Tasks and services of the BAMF

    The BAMF is responsible for the implementation of asylum procedures and the examination of asylum applications. Once an asylum application is submitted, the BAMF, the process and decides whether the applicant is recognised as a refugee. In addition, the BAMF provides a number of integration measures, including courses and orientation courses, which help to integrate into the German society of linguistics. Another important offering the return of aid for those who wish to voluntarily return to their home country. Here’s the BAMF supported, both financially and organizationally.

    Other tasks of the BAMF

    In addition to the above-mentioned main tasks, the BAMF is also for the conduct of studies and analyses of migration and integration research. These studies help to understand the trends in Migration better and the integration measures accordingly. In addition, the BAMF works closely with other national and international organizations, to promote the exchange of experience and cooperation in the area of Migration.


    The immigration authority at the local level for the implementation of the right to stay in charge. Your main tasks include:

    • Residence permit issuance and renewal of visas and residence permits.
    • Work permits: a permit for taking up employment.
    • Letters of commitment: documents for invitations of foreign guests.

    Important facts to the immigration authority

    • Accessibility: Local immigration authorities are often the town hall or the district office to find.
    • Applications: Many applications can be submitted online will be.
    • Language support: Often, interpreters are available.

    Tasks of the foreigners authority in the Detail

    The foreigners authority is not just for the issuance and renewal of residence permits, but also for the issuance of residence permits and the processing of naturalization applications. In the work permit, the foreigner supports the authority by the issuance of work visa and Blue card for highly skilled workers. In addition, an obligation to be issued declarations for visitors from abroad who need financial proof for the stay of their guests in Germany.

    Practical tips for visiting the foreigners authority

    • Appointment: In many cities, it is necessary to make an appointment in advance to arrange to long waiting times to avoid.
    • Documents: Make sure that you have all the necessary documents, complete and up-to-date. Often, the websites of the immigration authorities check list for the required documents.
    • Language assistance: If you need support in understanding need, ask in advance, if interpreters are available or you can bring one accompanying person with which you can translate.

    Jobcentres and employment Agency

    The job center and the Agency for support in finding a job and offer financial assistance. Each of the tasks:

    • Employment: assistance in finding a job.
    • Professional advice: advice to be opportunities for further training and professional qualifications.
    • Unemployment benefit: payment of unemployment benefits and other financial aid.

    Useful information on the work of mediation

    1. Appointments: appointments can be made online or by phone agreed.
    2. Support services: There are special programs for Refugees and people with a migrant background.
    3. Language of the case: a Lot of information is available in different languages.

    Financial assistance and training

    In addition to job placement, the Agency offers for work and financial support, such as the unemployment benefits I and II, as well as Social benefits. In addition, there are support programs for training and retraining, which help to position itself better in the labour market. This also includes language courses and integration measures that are specifically tailored to the needs of people with a migrant background are included.

    Special Support Services

    The Agency and the job centres also offer special programs for the professional Integration of women, single parents and people with disabilities to wear. These programs aim to improve the employability of these groups and to facilitate access to the labour market. To do this, individual consultations, Coaching, and special qualification measures.


    The youth welfare office is for the interests of children, young people and families. It offers support in the following areas:

    • Child protection: measures for the protection of children and young people.
    • Family counselling: counselling and support for families in difficult situations.
    • Support services: provision of financial assistance, such as child benefit and advance.

    Practical tips for families

    • Advisory services: There are free counselling services for parents and children.
    • Leisure activities: Many of the youth welfare offices offer programs and activities for children and young people.
    • Education: support for the Integration in the school system.

    Special programs of the youth welfare office

    The youth welfare office also offers special programs for young people, who came without their parents to Germany. These unaccompanied minors, refugees receive support in the Integration into the education system and in search of a safe living environment. The youth welfare office is working closely with schools and social institutions, in order to offer the children and young people a stable environment.

    Family support and promotion

    The youth welfare office offers a number of funding programmes and support measures for families. This includes Education, counselling, help with the organization of day-care and leisure activities as well as financial support for families in need to belong. The goal is to strengthen families and provide children with a safe, secure and conducive environment.


    The Department of social services helps in financial and social problems, and is for the following tasks:

    • Basic security: support for people without sufficient income.
    • Housing assistance: assistance in finding suitable accommodation.
    • Social consultancy: advice on social and financial issues.

    Important data and contacts

    BAMFAsylum procedures and
    AusländerbehördeResidence permits and work permitsLocal City Hall, District Office
    Job centre/employment AgencyJob placement and
    JugendamtChild protection and family counselingThe Local Town Hall, The Youth Welfare Office
    SozialamtBasic security and housing assistanceThe Local Town Hall, Social Services

    Support for special situations

    The Department of social services offers special assistance for people in special situations, such as single parents, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. This support includes financial assistance, as well as consulting services, which help to cope with everyday life better. Also in the search for assisted living facilities and nursing facilities the Department of social services is an Advisory capacity.

    Social guidance and assistance for integration

    In addition to the financial support of the Department of social services offers a comprehensive range of consulting services. These include, among other things, aid to the Integration in the society, and advice on social conflicts and assistance in the search for social networks and communities. The aim is to promote the social participation, and to prevent Isolation.


    The health Department plays a crucial role in the public health system. It is responsible for:

    • Health care: vaccinations, health education and prevention programs.
    • Infection protection: Monitoring and control of infectious diseases.
    • Social psychiatric services: support for people with mental illness.

    Services provided by the health Department

    The health Department offers a variety of health services, including free vaccinations and health checks. Awareness-raising campaigns by leads to various health issues, to inform the population about important health issues. Another important field of infection protection, where the Department of health measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases to take. The social psychiatric service offers advice and support for people with mental illness and their families.

    Health care and prevention

    The health Department regularly organizes prevention programs and health studies, which are specifically tailored to the needs of different groups of the population. This also includes special programs for health promotion for children and young people and for older people. The goal is to detect disease at an early stage and to improve the General health of the population.

    Psycho-Social Support

    The social psychiatric service of the health Department offers a comprehensive range of psycho-social support. These consultations, therapies, and the provision of further assistance includes. Especially in crisis situations, the service is fast and non-bureaucratic is available to support the victims and their families.

    Important documents to the authorities

    In the case of the authorities, it is important to have the right documents. Here is a list of the most important documents is:

    1. Identity card or passport is Necessary for the majority of the authorities.
    2. Registration certificate: proof of residence.
    3. Proof of income: pay stubs, tax bills.
    4. Birth certificates: For applications for youth or social services.
    5. Proof of health insurance: health services and social services.
    6. Lease: For home Affairs and support the Department of social services.
    7. Marriage certificate: For applications for family reunification or for certain social benefits.
    8. School certificates: For applications in schools or educational programs.

    We support you

    For many people, dealing with the German authorities can be a challenge. Our Service from LAYOUT offers valuable support. We can help you to translate letters from Authorities and forms in easy language, or to transfer in your own language. This facilitates the understanding and completion of administrative tasks. Make use of our free services, in order to avoid misunderstandings and their interests to edit.

    Our detailed fill-in guides for complicated forms to provide additional support to ensure that all necessary information is specified correctly. This is particularly important in order to avoid delays and denials.

    German Authorities – A Conclusion

    The German authorities, the system may appear complex, but with the right information and support in dealing with the various authorities can be relieved significantly. You can use the offered help and do not hesitate, if uncertain, ask. With the Knowledge on the tasks and services of the most important authorities, you are well prepared, to process your requests successfully.

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